We are excited to announce that Club Caddie has officially launched!  Core features in this first release include:

Front End Interface

  • Front end portal for golfers to join any club anywhere.
  • Checkout pages are fully responsive.
  • Step-by-step interface allows the golfer to look up their GHIN number.
  • New golfers are automatically set up in GHIN.
  • Payments are processed through AFS (NMI).
  • Checkout pages can be customized to match your current website’s look and feel using WordPress themes.

Administrative Features and Functionality

  • Manage Association fees and discounts.
  • Edit content on each of the checkout pages.
  • Manage email notifications.
  • Choose which clubs allow online join.
  • Clubs can require approval.
  • Setup and edit club fees and discounts based on eligibility.
  • Generate quick links for golfers to join directly to a given club.
  • Pass critical data to AFS (NMI) for accounting purposes.
  • Association Settings –> Show or hide SRGA dues on checkout.
  • Complete integration with GHIN.

Front-end Portal for Golfers


Club Directory
Golfers can select from a list of clubs.  In the listing we display club fees, benefits and contact information.

GHIN Lookup
If a golfer has ever had a GHIN handicap in any state, we can find them!  If the member has forgotten their GHIN number, they can search for themselves by first and last name.

New Member Profile
If the golfer is a new member who has never had a GHIN number, they can enter their contact information and we will automatically issue him or her a GHIN number upon checkout.

Profile Page
All members are asked to confirm that their contact information is correct in GHIN.  If they make any changes, we update their info in GHIN.

Discounts are applied on the checkout page based on eligibility.   All transactions are authenticated and processed through AFS (NMI).

Joins and Renewals
Whether or not someone clicks on the ‘Join’ or ‘Renew’ option, our system checks with GHIN to determine his or her status.

Web Design
The look and feel of your join/renew pages can be styled to look just like your website.

We have built Club Caddie as a WordPress plugin and it is compatible with any WordPress theme.  We currently host the checkout pages for the SCGA and we created a custom theme just for them.

Mobile Friendly
Checkout pages look amazing no matter what device they are loaded in!  This was a very important requirement considering many clubs might want to allow their members to join on location.

Back-end Portal for Association Admins


Association Fees and Discounts
SRGA’s can set up their own fees and discounts.

Discount eligibility can be based on age, gender or date range.  Maybe you want all junior golfers to have a free SRGA membership.  No problem, just set up a discount for juniors under a certain age.  You could also offer an early bird discount for members signing up before the end of the year.

Content Management
Edit content on each of the checkout pages using WordPress.  This allows you to customize your messaging.

Email Notifications
We send  email notifications after every transaction to the golfer, the club and the SRGA.  Using this tool, you can customize your messaging for every email correspondence.

Customization of Club Directory
You can choose which clubs you’d like to display online in the club directory.  You can also dictate which clubs allow online joins and which ones allow online renewals.



Quick Links
Generate quick links for golfers to join directly to a given club. Quick links can be used on club websites, the GHIN kiosk or the GHIN mobile app.

Club Membership Fees & Discounts
Setup and edit club fees and discounts based on eligibility.  Discount eligibility can be based on age, gender, GHIN status or date range.

Note: Association and club fees are added together on checkout.  Association discounts and club discounted are deducted from the total.

Club Approvals
Clubs can require approval for any membership type (i.e Men’s 18 Hole, Men’s 9 Hole, Seniors, etc.).

Members wishing to join the club sign up online and the transaction is processed up front through AFS.  An email is sent to the club and the club chairman can approve or reject the member. Upon approval, the member is automatically added to the GHIN database.  If they are rejected, a refund is processed.  The golfer is notified via email upon acceptance or rejection.

Accounting and Reporting
At the completion of every transaction, we send user defined fields such as: Club ID, Club Name, Amount Paid to Association, Amount due to club.  These fields are used in AFS to generate reports and process payments back to the clubs.

Show/Hide SRGA Fees
Under the Association Settings tab, you can opt to show or hide your SRGA fees upon checkout.  SRGA discounts are still applied.

Complete Integration with GHIN
In order to avoid duplicate data, we use the GHIN API wherever possible.  If you make edits to GHIN, they will show up real-time in our system and visa versa.

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