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A Club Admin > Members tab is in the works!

We are very excited to start building more features for Club Admins!  Soon, they will have the ability manage their membership offerings, view a roster of members, view payment history, and pay debits to the SRGA.

As we wire-frame each page, the wish list keeps growing longer.  Here is an inside look at some of the cool features and functionality that we have been tossing around in the co-op.

Note: Nothing discussed or outlined in this blog post is final.  We are still in the brainstorming and requirements gathering phase and many of the wire-frames you see below are subject to change!

Members Listing Tab

Wouldn’t it be nice if clubs could add/edit members, view expiration dates, send email notifications, process a batch renew, turn off auto-renew and more?  We think so too!

Here are is a wire-frame that we’ve been tossing around:

Adding/Editing New Members

It is the consensus of the group that Club Admins should have the ability to add new members on their own.  In the future we might also build in functionality to store credit card details for the Club so they don’t have to enter it in every time they want to add a new member or process a batch renewal.

Sending Email Notifications

Clubs will soon be able to send out email notifications to any of their members.  They might want to notify members about early registration discounts, special offers, special events coming up, or send a last minute notice regarding expiration.

Based on the filtering options from the previous screens, Club Admins would be able to select members in any category and compose an email.

Process Batch Renewals

When clubs receive cash or check payments from their members, it would be much more convenient for them to batch renew selected members and pay Association dues via credit card vs. sending in payments via mail.  This would allow them to receive current discounts or promotional offers from the SRGA.

Would you like to share any thoughts or ideas with us?  Feel free to add your comments below!